Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I had such a LONG weekend. no joke. plans plans plans. and then work today..

FRIDAY it was my neighbor's graduation.. in which the party didn't start till i walked in OR really it was the party didn't start until the helium was sucked. literally no balloons left for any little kid because my friends and I had a blast talking like chipmunks*shakes head*

SATURDAY I went to see my boyfriend's grandparents who live in the middle of nowhere to celebrate his cousin's graduation. I spent a lot of time hanging out with the boyfriend who was happily fishing on the 6 acre pond lake in front of their house. it was an experience...

BUT(!) the view was amazing

SUNDAY I went up to said boyfriend's friend's camp up at Otter Lake. In which, i was the only girl and fishing on a boat in linen pants I have figured out is quite awkward, not going to lie BUT...

another great view(!)

don't we look cute? he has such a burly beard ;)

MONDAY or the 4th of July.. was spent cookout hopping.. seeing some fireworks.. and a bonfire..&& IM EXHAUSTED. This July is so packed with stuff and its usually August that is like this.. what can you look forward to seeing next weekend? Water Safari and Open Mic Night :)

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