Monday, October 31, 2011


Croissants, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace of Versailles, & my fancy pants :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dublin Playlist

no this isn't a a playlist that is themed in Irish culture. 
these would be songs getting me by while I am here..

You Are A Tourist - Death Cab for Cutie
White Blank Page - Mumford & Sons
The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
Countdown - Beyonce
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Heavy In Your Arms - Florence + the Machine
All Along the Watchtower - Dave Matthews Band
Transatlanticism - Death Cab for Cutie
Such Great Heights - Iron & Wine 
Paradise - Coldplay

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dublin & Bray

Random picture of Dublin, along with the contemporary art at the National Gallery
Also, pictures of a day trip to Bray a little coastal city about an hour south of Dublin

Monday, October 3, 2011

my home away from home...


  • It's been extremely hard, especially with all my friends, family, and boyfriend back home living their lives, and I am here for school.
  • But, honestly, it feels like a mini vacation and I am free to do whatever at my leisure. 
  • The only thing in my way is time constraints. Everything closes early, EVERYTHING!
  • Except the pubs. 
  • I honestly would kill right now to just walk into a Walmart at 1 AM just for kicks and giggles and buy just a candy bar
  • Well, just because I can, really. 
  • Also, time goes by so slow here. Like my days just drag. 
  • 10 weeks. 
  • That is what I have here in Dublin.
  • But this is such an opportunity that is not always available, especially to me. 
  • So, I guess I should make the most of it
  • But, I'm going to make a note, right now, that the first thing I'm going to eat when I get home is pizza. I am craving some New York style pizza..

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Germany and Salzburg!

So, my lovely "European Adventure," as I would like to call it, started out with about 5 hours of lovely plane changes until we finally arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. From Frankfurt, we took the plane-of-almost-death to Hamburg where we were greeted by our lovely hosts Sina and Iris Lockley. The Lockleys live in Kiel, Germany which is about an hour north of Hamburg, and located right along the channel which connects the Baltic and North Seas. My first meal in Kiel, which was salmon and honey mustard on a kaiser roll, was quiet a brilliant combo. The next day we met up with some more of our German friends, in which we rode a ferry to get to a little vacation town with a big WW1/WW2 memorial. 

We eventually had to leave our dear friends in Kiel and head to Salzburg, Austria to visit my boyfriend's sister who is my age and studying abroad as well. For the amount of German that she knows and the amount of time she was there before we got there, she did her very best to translate and navigate and for that I am grateful; because my knowledge of the German language, is very little. Anyways once we got there we we decided the next day that we will take a train back into Munich for Oktoberfest. The beer, the pretzels, the people, the costumes. It was everything you could hope for it to be; especially the tents because it gets so crowded so quick, I actually thought we wouldn't be getting a table.

The train ride back and forth between Salzburg and Munich and back again was absolutely stunning as well, because all you have is green hills and the Alps. Salzburg is literally surrounded by the Alps, so if you are walking around the city, you will literally see a mountain hugging the building next to it .

(I am such a fan of The Sound of Music, I was literally going camera crazy at the garden with the fountain..)

Now I'm in Dublin, Ireland for the next 10 weeks and I think I have kicked the homesickness in the ass finally. It's hard. But, I plan on going back to Salzburg for Thanksgiving and hopefully get a chance to visit London and Paris. Visiting Ireland itself isn't hard it's just waiting for the rain to stop to enjoy the sunshine. Cause everything is "grand" in Ireland.